Online Directory

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Online Directory Opt-In

Note: if you have never given us your email and phone number (filling out a form at a service) we have no way to reach you.

This form does NOT save and send us your email.

You can also email your contact info to

Our Breeze database can allow members to access and update their contact information, communication preferences and check on your giving and stewardship pledge history.

It also serves as an online member directory. You can choose whether to display email only, email & phone, or email, phone & address.

Those members who opt-in to this directory will receive an email to set up a username and password to access the directory.

You must have an email to be in the directory.

Only those who opt-in will be able to see other member information.

Would you like to opt-in to be included in the online directory?
Please select one option.


Please fill out this form and click submit.